
Rideshare Program

Learn about all the programs Los Angeles has to offer! With soaring gas prices now is a great time to explore some rideshare options!


GIS Day is a great event, filled with all the GIS team has to offer. Showcasing just how valuable GIS data is to LA County residents.

Community Resource Center in El Monte Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Join us to inaugurate our newest Community Resource Center and learn how this center will connect our members and the local community to classes and personalized services to keep them Community Resource Center in El Monte Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Electric Vehicles and Charging Stations

There are over 750 electric vehicle charging stations at County facilities that serve the public, employees, and County fleets. Find out more about EVs and how to charge one.

ISD event

More information about this great event. It will feature all ISD has to offer!

Delete the Divide

ISD’s program connecting youth and small businesses to access to devices, connectivity, and other resources necessary to get started on the path to Delete the Divide.

Affordable Connectivity Program

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) can aid residents in a variety of situations, including some residents who may be experiencing difficulty finding employment or accessing educational resources due to the COVID-19 pandemic.