California Environmental Quality Act – Notice of Exemption
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires an environmental review to evaluate projects for potential impacts on the environment. Environmental documents are written to identify any potential adverse environmental effects of proposed actions, assess their significance, and propose measures to eliminate or mitigate significant impacts. This posting will provide public notices and documents related to the environmental review process and information regarding the filing of Notices of Exemption (NOE).
PROJECT TITLE: Civic Center Tunnels Soft Water Pipes Replacement
Civic Center, 222 N. Hill St., Los Angeles, CA 90012PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed Project will address needed replacements and repairs to existing soft water pipes in the utility tunnels throughout the Civic Center.
PROJECT APPLICANT: County of Los Angeles Internal Services Department
Thomas DeSantis
County of Los Angeles
Internal Services Department
Operations Service
Program & Project Management Division
1100 North Eastern Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90063
(562) 922-1355
TDesantis@isd.lacounty.govEXEMPT STATUS: Categorical Exemption
Categorically Exempt Project in accordance with Sections 15301(a), and (d), 15302(c), and 15303 of the State CEQA Guidelines and Classes 1(c) and (d), 2(e), and 3 of the County’s Environmental Document Reporting Procedures and Guidelines, Appendix G.REASONS FOR EXEMPTION:
The scope of work consists of the replacement of existing pipes. Therefore, the work is within certain classes of projects that have been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment because it includes repairs and minor alterations to existing public facilities with negligible or no expansion of use, replacement of features with the same purpose and capacity, placement of small equipment and accessory structures, and installation of equipment at existing facilities.In addition, based on the record of the proposed Project, it will comply with all applicable regulations, it is not in a sensitive environment and there are no cumulative impacts, unusual circumstances, damage to scenic highways, listing on hazardous waste site lists compiled pursuant to Government Code section 65962.5, or indications that it may cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historic resource that would make the exemptions inapplicable.
PROJECT TITLE: Department of Health Services, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Reverse Osmosis Water Purification System Replacement
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center
1000 W Carson St., Torrance, CA 90502PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed H-UCLA MC RO WPS Replacement Project will replace the existing reverse osmosis water purification system servicing the dialysis unit in Room 5W-9 at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center.
PROJECT APPLICANT: County of Los Angeles Internal Services Department
Thomas DeSantis
County of Los Angeles
Internal Services Department
Operations Service
Program & Project Management Division
1100 North Eastern Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90063
(562) 922-1355
TDesantis@isd.lacounty.govEXEMPT STATUS: Categorical Exemption
Sections 15301(a), (d), and (f), 15302(c), and 15303 of the State CEQA Guidelines and Classes 1(c), (d), and (i), 2(e), and 3 of the County’s Environmental Document Reporting Procedures and Guidelines, Appendix G.REASONS FOR EXEMPTION:
The scope of work consists of the remodeling and replacements made to an existing system. Therefore, the work is within certain classes of projects that have been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment because it includes repairs and minor alterations to existing public facilities with negligible or no expansion of use, replacement of features with the same purpose and capacity, placement of small equipment and accessory structures, and installation of equipment at existing facilities.In addition, based on the record of the proposed Project, it will comply with all applicable regulations, it is not in a sensitive environment and there are no cumulative impacts, unusual circumstances, damage to scenic highways, listing on hazardous waste site lists compiled pursuant to Government Code section 65962.5, or indications that it may cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historic resource that would make the exemptions inapplicable.
PROJECT TITLE: Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Biological Evidence Storage Refurbishment
Biological Evidence Warehouse
Undisclosed, secured locationPROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Sheriff’s Department currently operates a combination of seventeen existing temporary and permanent walk-in freezers/cold storage containers to store biological evidence.
PROJECT APPLICANT: County of Los Angeles Internal Services Department
Thomas DeSantis
County of Los Angeles
Internal Services Department
Operations Service
Program & Project Management Division
1100 North Eastern Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90063
(562) 922-1355
TDesantis@isd.lacounty.govEXEMPT STATUS: Categorical Exemption
Sections 15301(a), 15302, 15303, and 15311 of the State CEQA Guidelines and Classes 1(d), 2, 3, and 11 of the County’s Environmental Document Reporting Procedures and Guidelines, Appendix G.REASONS FOR EXEMPTION:
The scope of work consists of refurbishments made to an existing space. Therefore, the work is within certain classes of projects that have been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment because it includes repairs and minor alterations to existing public facilities with negligible or no expansion of use, replacement of features with the same purpose and capacity, placement of small equipment and accessory structures, and installation of equipment at existing facilities.In addition, based on the record of the proposed Project, it will comply with all applicable regulations, it is not in a sensitive environment and there are no cumulative impacts, unusual circumstances, damage to scenic highways, listing on hazardous waste site lists compiled pursuant to Government Code section 65962.5, or indications that it may cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historic resource that would make the exemptions inapplicable.