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California Environmental Quality Act

CEQA – Notice of Exemption

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires an environmental review to evaluate projects for potential impacts on the environment. Projects: Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office; Department of Health Services; and LA County Library.

ISD’s Annual Highlights

ISD’s Annual Highlights over the years. Each year, all of our operational services share a few of their notable accomplishments in the ISD Annual Highlights. Please take a moment to review each years report recognizing our efforts.

Best Value Job Order Contracting (JOC)

On January 10, 2023, the Board of Supervisors approved the following 14 short-listed firms to bid on ISD Best Value Job Order Contracts (JOCs):

Accelerating Digital Equity

In Los Angeles County, it is estimated that approximately 365,000 households lack. Several government initiatives are underway to address this crisis, yet digital inequities persist in both rural and urban areas.

County Registered Vendor List

Generate a list of Vendors who have registered with the County. Obtain your list of Vendors by searching the commodities Vendors selected as part of their registration process.

EV Infrastructure Resources

ISD’s Clean Transportation Team has completed electric vehicle supply equipment installations at 80 locations. Find out how we can help you achieve your EVSE goals.

Healthy Stores Refrigeration Program

various vegetables

The Healthy Stores Refrigeration Program (HSRP) helps small businesses in Los Angeles’ food deserts replace existing, inefficient refrigerators with new efficient models to fill with California-grown healthy food.

Rideshare Program

Learn about all the programs Los Angeles has to offer! With soaring gas prices now is a great time to explore some rideshare options!

Electric Vehicles and Charging Stations

There are over 750 electric vehicle charging stations at County facilities that serve the public, employees, and County fleets. Find out more about EVs and how to charge one.

Delete the Divide

ISD’s program connecting youth and small businesses to access to devices, connectivity, and other resources necessary to get started on the path to Delete the Divide.