Best Value Job Order Contracting (JOC)
Public Contract Code (PCC) Section 20155, et seq. provides for a pilot program, which allows the County of Los Angeles to use best value construction contracting as an alternative delivery method. On October 5, 2021, the Board revised the previously adopted Best Value Construction Contracting policy and procedures and authorized ISD to implement the use of Best Value Construction Contracting as a procurement method to deliver projects.
In accordance with the Board best value policy, on July 18, 2022, ISD issued a Request for Statement of Qualifications for contractors to submit a Statement of Qualifications demonstrating their experience, licensing, payment and performance capacity, liability insurance, safety record, and commitment to use a skilled and trained workforce to be placed on a list of contractors qualified to submit bids for future Best Value JOCs. ISD’s evaluation committee found that 14 general contractors met the established prequalification criteria.
On January 10, 2023, the Board of Supervisors approved the following 14 short-listed firms to bid on ISD Best Value Job Order Contracts (JOCs):
- ACCO Engineered Systems
- Angeles Contractor, Inc.
- Athena Engineering Inc.
- Best Contracting Services, Inc.
- Cervus, Inc.
- Letner Roofing Company
- Exbon Development, Inc.
- HHJ Construction, Inc.
- Leed Electric, Inc.
- MIK Construction, Inc.
- MTM Construction, Inc.
- New Creation Engineering & Builders, Inc.
- Thomasville Construction, Inc.; and
- Vincor Construction, Inc.
This list will be valid for one calendar year. The following is a link to the Board letter: https://file.lacounty.gov/SDSInter/bos/supdocs/176445.pdf