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Helping our business partners access vital information.

Administration & Finance Service

ISD’s Administration & Finance Service assists our business partners and customers in making informed decisions by providing essential information, timely payments and billings and budgetary allocations.

Our services include:

  • Billing question Hotline
  • Employment opportunities
  • Employment verification
  • Vendor payment inquiry

How Do I?

* Please be advised that some of the following information is applicable solely for LA County Departments/employees and may not be accessible to users outside the LA County network.

Access the online WebBASIS website to obtain direct contact information and access to Budget and Billing reports system.

Access the latest ISD Rate Handbook to get rate information on ISD’s services.

Access the Vendor Payment Information (VPI) for flexibility and convenience of contacting VPI via email, live operator or voice message.

Send an email to ISDHROperations@isd.lacounty.gov to connect with an ISD Human Resource staff member to provide a verbal employment verification.

Submit a public Records Request for Internal Services Department (ISD) under the California Public Records Act (CPRA) by accessing ISD’s public Records Request web portal.  Official records are held by ISD pursuant to governing document retention schedules.